In The Moment is a short “theatrical comedy” that that seeks to examine the nature of theatre from the perspective of two stage hands who find an audience seated as they begin to work and are compelled to “raise expectations and then realize them in a probable way without doing what’s expected and still keeping what-ever-it-is believable.”
As the first stagehand explains it:
. . . we want to hold their attention – to suspend their
disbelief – “to strut and fret our hour upon the stage”
and all that jazz – to do what’s expected of us in an
unexpected way. You understand? “And leave not a
rack behind.” . . . It’s not brain surgery. It’s not
rocket science; it’s not even nuclear science, but it has
consequence. If you see what I’m getting at – “it”, what
happens, has happened, no – happens, in space like this,
over time, it has affected an infinitely greater number of
lives and human understanding than the infinitesimal
percentage troubled by those other things. Value systems,
cultures, and successive generations throughout the centuries
are, have all been, influenced – cognitively and affectively,
not just once, but over and over, again and again, all the time.
Always . . . Truthful . . . Observant . . . Aware of the possibilities,
the rubric of “selective inclusions” – references, allusions,
internal patterns that create implicit meanings which are
never told, but there. That’s what they want, hunger for,
something to speculate about, to trouble over, to try to
make sense of and apply to life, to guess at what is
intended as the basis of the stuff, the actions and
images that are presented . . . and that’s the way it
should be . . that’s showbiz!