
Jeff Helgeson can be available to provide a number of workshops and group presentations.

These include:

“Illustrative Action” – a workshop dealing with the design and writing of works for the stage originally developed for The Workhouse Theatre in New York , New York.

“The Art of Critical Analysis” – a series of sessions dealing with the interpretation of a work through a systematic process of observation and analysis of works of art through a assessment of their “context of creation” and patterns of “selective   inclusions” of details, internal references, and external allusions, originally developed as a part of the liberal studies program at The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, Spring Green, Wisconsin.

Creative Writing – inter-active small group instruction in the structure of short fiction and the development of personal style.

Applied Writing – an overview of communication theory and its application within the workplace through the development of a process bases approach to written correspondence of all types, developed for Nextel Corporation, Elmwood Park, Illinois.

Additional topics for presentations include:

The Plays of Eugene O’Neill
James Joyce’s “Ulysses”
Archetypal Patterns In Literature
Readings from and discussions of the drama and fiction by Jeff Helgeson

Appearances have included “Writers In Conversation” at The Chicago Cultural Center, as well as interviews on numerous informational radio broadcasts and arts related television segments.

Since 2004, Jeff Helgeson has hosted “Bloomsday In Chicago,” a series of readings from James Joyce’s Ulysses, sponsored by Puddin’head Press at The Galway Arms, 2442 N. Clark Street each June 16th (“Bloomsday”).


Contact Jeff Helgeson to make presentation or appearance arrangements at : 773-764-0353 or



Jeff Helgeson can be available to provide a number of workshops and group presentations.

These include:

“Illustrative Action” – a workshop dealing with the design and writing of works for the stage originally developed for The Workhouse Theatre in New York , New York.

“The Art of Critical Analysis” – a series of sessions dealing with the interpretation of a work through a systematic process of observation and analysis of works of art through a assessment of their “context of creation” and patterns of “selective   inclusions” of details, internal references, and external allusions, originally developed as a part of the liberal studies program at The Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture, Spring Green, Wisconsin.

Creative Writing – inter-active small group instruction in the structure of short fiction and the development of personal style.

Applied Writing – an overview of communication theory and its application within the workplace through the development of a process bases approach to written correspondence of all types, developed for Nextel Corporation, Elmwood Park, Illinois.

Additional topics for presentations include:

The Plays of Eugene O’Neill
James Joyce’s “Ulysses”
Archetypal Patterns In Literature
Readings from and discussions of the drama and fiction by Jeff Helgeson

Appearances have included “Writers In Conversation” at The Chicago Cultural Center, as well as interviews on numerous informational radio broadcasts and arts related television segments.

Since 2004, Jeff Helgeson has hosted “Bloomsday In Chicago,” a series of readings from James Joyce’s Ulysses, sponsored by Puddin’head Press at The Galway Arms, 2442 N. Clark Street each June 16th (“Bloomsday”).


Contact Jeff Helgeson to make presentation or appearance arrangements at : 773-764-0353 or